Expert predicted how Russia could use DPRK military.

Russian and North Korean military forces
Russian and North Korean military forces

Several thousand military from the DPRK are receiving training in Russia and may possibly be transferred to the frontline in the future. They are likely to act as police or guard the Russian border.

Such an opinion was expressed by military-political expert Dmytro Snegiryev on FREEДOM TV channel.

"I note: there is no objective data that would indicate the direct relocation of North Korean military units to the territory of the Russian Federation and especially to the combat zone at the moment. But if this information is confirmed, it will be a serious challenge for the Ukrainian side. Currently, the size of the North Korean army is 1.2 million people. Therefore, the transfer of even a limited contingent of 20 thousand will have a significant impact on Ukraine," Snegiryev emphasized.

According to him, this is what France proposed for Ukraine earlier. That is, the introduction of a unit of the French Armed Forces to ensure the security of the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, in order to free up Ukrainian soldiers for the front.

"I do not rule out that the DPRK may offer Russia a similar model. That is, not direct participation in hostilities, but performing police functions or guarding the border in less tense areas. This will allow the occupiers to free up a significant portion of their personnel and transfer them to the Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kursk regions," Dmytro Snegiryev suggested.

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