Experts estimated how many JSOW guided bombs the USA has.

US JSOW glide bombs
US JSOW glide bombs

The President of the USA announced the transfer of AGM-154 JSOW guided bombs to Ukraine. Such aid is valued at $7.9 billion. But it is important to understand the amount of these munitions that will be transferred.

AGM-154 JSOW is not a new type of bomb; it has been used by the US Army since 1999. Information about it is already public. A US Department of Defense report from 2015 states that 2,517 JSOW munitions were produced. 1,983 of them were delivered to the US Navy and 523 to the Air Force. In total, it was planned to produce 3,334 munitions, but production was halted in 2015.

It should be noted that some munitions were used during combat operations and exercises, particularly in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. In total, about 400 JSOW were expended. Therefore, about 2000 munitions remain in the USA.

It is unknown whether decommissioned munitions were used for sale to other countries. It is possible that the Pentagon will keep a certain amount in reserve. But regardless of this, having such a large number of these munitions is a significant feature.

One of the reasons why Ukraine received the AGM-154 JSOW is the possibility of converting them into cruise missiles with a range of over 500 km.

Source: Defense Express

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