EU expands training of Ukrainian military: how many will be trained by the end of 2024.

Training of Ukrainian military by 2024
Training of Ukrainian military by 2024

Defense ministers of the European Union countries plan to increase the number of Ukrainian military personnel who will undergo training under the EUMAM mission. This was reported by Josep Borrell, the EU representative for foreign policy and security. He called EUMAM the most successful EU training mission.

According to him, 60 thousand Ukrainians have already been trained, but the number of these military personnel will be increased to 75 thousand by the end of the year. The training program will also be adapted to the situation on the battlefield and will be carried out in cooperation with the Ukrainian army. A coordination communication center will be established in Kyiv to improve interaction.

The EUMAM mission has been ongoing since October 2022 and is designed to train Ukrainian military personnel. Training mainly takes place in Poland and Germany, but there are plans to transfer part of the training to Ukraine.

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