Fake Veterans at the May 9th Celebration Next to Putin.

Fake veterans at the celebration of May 9
Fake veterans at the celebration of May 9

Putin happily celebrated the so-called Victory Day and proudly sat next to veterans. As it turned out later, none of them were on the front lines during World War II. 

To the right of Putin sat Yuri Dvoikin, aged 98. In 1942, he volunteered for the army, but he never made it to the front. Two years later, he was sent to Lviv to "carry out operations to eliminate the nationalist underground in western Ukraine".

To the left of Putin at the parade sat Gennady Zaitsev. He was born in 1934. When the war began, he was a five-year-old boy. Gennady physically could not fight and holds the title of “child of war”. By the end of the war, he was 11 years old. In the future, he served in the KGB.

The data was obtained through journalistic by the channel “Agency”. 

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