Kyiv Energy Workers Reveal Reasons for Increase in Power Grid Accidents.

Increase in power grid accidents in Kyiv
Increase in power grid accidents in Kyiv

In Kyiv, the load on the power grid has increased due to the simultaneous connection of powerful electrical appliances by consumers after the implementation of electricity supply schedules.

The company 'DTEK Kyiv Electric Networks' reported that the introduction of stabilization shutdowns, as a protective measure against possible attacks on energy infrastructure, causes accelerated wear of electrical equipment. This leads to an increase in emergency situations in the city's power grids.

Experts from 'DTEK Kyiv Electric Networks' have developed recommendations for the public to reduce the risk of damage to electrical equipment.

The main emphasis is placed on the gradual and sequential connection of electrical devices after the restoration of electricity supply, avoiding the simultaneous use of powerful equipment, and programming energy-intensive devices for night mode operation.

The Ministry of Energy also reported new tactics of the Russian Federation before the shelling of the energy system.

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