Lithuania wants to change immigration laws for foreigners.

Image of migrants in Lithuania
Image of migrants in Lithuania

Lithuania plans to tighten control over foreigners

The head of the Lithuanian Migration Department, Evelina Gudzinskaite, expressed the opinion that the country should strengthen the regulation of the legal status of foreigners. She emphasized that some foreigners use temporary residence permits as a cover, so for national security purposes it is necessary to strengthen the procedure for entry and residence of foreigners.

Control needs to be tightened, as it may be about economic migrants, foreigners who abuse, who just want to get into Europe. Therefore, tightening would give us more control tools to ensure that actual workers are coming - Gudzinskaite stated.

The head of the Migration Department does not consider the current situation in the country as a migration crisis, but noted that the department is forced to check foreigners for potential threats. The Ministry of Internal Affairs also asked the State Security Department to check a certain number of foreigners who received Lithuanian citizenship, and in case of a threat to make decisions about depriving citizenship.

If we receive a conclusion that a particular person poses a threat or supports a hostile regime, then the Migration Department will initiate the procedure for revoking citizenship - Gudzinskaite emphasized.

Regarding relations with representatives of Belarus who come to Lithuania, Gudzinskaite noted that the greatest threat comes from certain categories of workers that are specified. She pointed out that in wartime conditions, Lithuania cannot risk and allow people from this group. However, those fleeing the regime have the opportunity to live safely in the country.

If we do not want to take risks, then during the war people from this group cannot be allowed at all. Especially when there is an opportunity to bring workers from other countries, why risk? Regarding those fleeing the regime, all paths remain open for them - Gudzinskaite concluded.

The extension of temporary residence permits for Ukrainians has started in Lithuania, and the activity of Ukrainian refugees has exceeded the expectations of the authorities. Currently, over 52 thousand Ukrainians benefit from temporary protection in the country. The Migration Department has already extended residence permits for 3 thousand people. In total, more than 86 thousand Ukrainians live in Lithuania.

Most of them are considered refugees, others have temporary residence permits for work, family reunification, or for humanitarian reasons, work as highly qualified specialists, etc.

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