Maria Devi Christos. The Story of the End of the World Scheduled for November 24.

Maria Deva Christos. The story of the end of the world
Maria Deva Christos. The story of the end of the world
The heated discussion online about the "healer" Anna Fesun, who proclaimed herself the Mother of God, is not the first case in Ukraine where a woman has ranked herself among the divine. "It's already happened," the second president of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, would say, and he would be right.

35 years ago, in 1990, the well-known "White Brotherhood" was founded, familiar to Ukrainians aged 40+. At its head was a certain Marina Tsvigun. By self-definition, "Mother of the World" and "Living God Maria Devi Christos".

About the tumultuous events of the early 1990s and the further fate of Tsvigun, whose followers are still trying to replicate her phenomenon, is further in the material of "Glavkom".

Clan of the Holy Mother

The late 1980s – early 1990s in the former USSR became a Time for various informal associations and charlatans. One such association – the "White Brotherhood" was founded in 1990. Its leader was Marina Tsvigun, who considered herself the "Mother of the World" and "Living God Maria Devi Christos".

Tsvigun and her followers were certainly not the first to proclaim themselves deities in Ukraine. However, their phenomenon drew significant public attention.

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In search of popularity and money, Marina Tsvigun and her husband Yuri Krivonogov claimed that "God descended to earth" in the form of Marina-Mary. They propagated the idea that a "golden age" would arrive, preceded by Judgment Day.

The members of the association required a lot of money. They collected donations but also deceived people who gave churches their property, from jewelry to real estate.

Krivonogov also contemplated establishing his own religious community, where he would play the role of the messiah.

But the authorities did not take this seriously. The President of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, was nicknamed "Pontius Pilate," and the Kyiv authorities banned the organization's activities.

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Thanks to her talents, Tsvigun found followers in Russia. She renamed herself Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya and continued her activities in Moscow.

For many years, Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya supported "Novorossiya" and propagated pro-Russian views. She accused the leadership of Ukraine and Russia of spiritualism and engaging unholy forces in their politics.

The current Russian authorities do not prohibit her activities, but in Ukraine, she lacks popularity and is not registered as an organization.

Currently, Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya continues her creative activities in Moscow and has her own gallery.

Ukrainians perceive her as controversial and consistently express their disagreement with her views.

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