Putin's Myth: Where has the most terrifying dictator of modern times disappeared?.

Putin, dictator, mystery, disappearance, myth
Putin, dictator, mystery, disappearance, myth

According to an article published in The Economist in May 2022, Putin has been mistakenly labeled as a puppeteer. The authors of the article argue that Putin is actually a puppet. The cult of Putin is the result of propaganda and psychological manipulation of the population. It is based on the idea of a great power that he embodies, and the masses feel a connection to these great projects. The authors also note that Putin is aware of his mission and believes in a higher power. However, in reality, Putin does not show activity during crisis events and even hides. His behavior indicates that he is under the control of the secret services and does not show subjectivity. It is also noted that Russia does not respond to external events and does not address the international community. However, the authors believe that the image of Putin was constructed by the secret services to meet the people's expectations.

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