Ministry of Infrastructure opens bus driving courses for women: who will be taken and what they will be taught.

Woman driving a bus during training
Woman driving a bus during training

The Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure is launching free bus driving courses for women. After completing the training, women are guaranteed to get a job in the transportation sector. Details about the new government project are discussed in the "Glavcom" article.

Candidate requirements

It is noted that to learn how to drive a bus, you need to meet three main criteria:

  • having a category B driver's license;
  • driving experience (not clearly defined yet, but evidently, during the selection process, attention will also be paid to it);
  • age between 21 and 65.

Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Serhiy Derkach emphasized that special attention will be paid to various social groups: IDPs, veterans, and families of servicemen.

"Along with the launch of the questionnaire, the selection methodology will also be published," notes Derkach and adds that certain advantages may be given to women who have specific social benefits - for example, wives of servicemen. Overall, the deputy minister assures that the selection criteria will be completely transparent.

Training program

The Ministry of Infrastructure reports that women will undergo standardized training provided by state-certified training centers. "These are driving schools, they will teach according to their programs. Training will last about three months. It will be like driving school training as well as additional training: transportation safety, communication with the police, technical condition of the bus," says Derkach.

According to the deputy minister, women will also receive consultations with a psychologist. After all, driving your own car is one thing, and transporting dozens of people is another.

"It is important to teach women to communicate correctly and, let's say, to handle stressful situations. There will be separate training on stress management as well, because they need to understand how they will talk to passengers, as there are many of them, it can be hot or cold for them..." adds Derkach.

Salary and other bonuses

For women who decide to change their field and choose driver training, the Ministry of Infrastructure has thought out bonuses, namely: three highlights of the courses.

"Firstly, women get a profession. After completing the courses, women receive a certificate and are added to the state Register of Professional Drivers. This is not just a piece of paper about completing another course but gaining a profession," assures Derkach and promises to issue women with an international professional driver card - the so-called "code 95" after completing the courses. This card will allow for international trips.

Secondly, the department says, women are guaranteed to get a job. "We immediately discuss with municipal enterprises in the regions where we operate how many women they are ready to take. Companies will discuss with women, hold interviews, and select women for work. In other words, halfway through the training, women will already understand which company they are going to and from what day they will start performing their duties," explains Derkach.

Thirdly, this job will be regulated. The department reports that each bus is equipped with a tachograph that records the Time a person spends driving. "A driver cannot spend more than 4.5 hours driving in a row. Then the driver needs a rest, at least 45 minutes. These are international working and rest time standards that are checked by transportation safety," notes the deputy minister.

Finally, this profession does not require any additional capital investments.

"That is, you come, you get a vehicle, you get all the conditions for work, and you just come and work. Uniforms are usually even provided," they add in the ministry.

So far, the Ministry of Infrastructure cannot predict whether the courses will be in demand among women. If the project is successful, a new perspective will open: female drivers will gradually be recruited for interregional and international routes.

Recall, women are actively joining the municipal enterprise "Kyiv Metropolitan," currently, one woman is training as a train driver.

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