Naftogaz revealed an unexpected danger for gas boiler owners.

Danger for gas boiler owners
Danger for gas boiler owners

NAFTOGAZ OF UKRAINE urges gas boiler owners to conduct a check

The gas supply company NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine" urged all gas boiler owners not to wait for the first frosts, but to urgently conduct a check of their devices. This was reported by the company's press service.

To face the winter fully prepared and ensure warmth and comfort in your home, Naftogaz recommends gas boiler owners to prepare heating equipment in advance for the cold season.

"Regular checks can prevent serious malfunctions of expensive equipment and help avoid many household inconveniences," Naftogaz emphasized.

In particular, professional equipment maintenance doubles its service life and significantly increases operational efficiency. After quality cleaning, the boiler consumes 15-17% less fuel, and properly adjusted thermocontrol devices help reduce gas consumption by 15-35%. This is a significant saving for the family budget.

Timely diagnostics prevent serious breakdowns of expensive equipment and help avoid unpleasant household situations. That is why it is important to prepare for the heating season in advance and trust the inspection and maintenance of the gas boiler only to qualified specialists.

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