«Negative Interaction Cases». Lubinets explained why Ukrainians are returning to frontline cities.

Negative cases of interaction. Lubinets explained why Ukrainians are returning to front-line cities
Negative cases of interaction. Lubinets explained why Ukrainians are returning to front-line cities
  • The number of IDPs in Ukraine is decreasing due to socio-economic difficulties, because they are returning to frontline cities and temporarily occupied territories.

  • Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets noted that media influence citizens' attitudes towards IDPs, as they showcase many negative interaction cases.

  • The situation regarding IDPs is worsening because their number is decreasing due to socio-economic difficulties in the new place.

  • The ombudsman demands that the state specify the financial assistance that a person can expect, to have confidence in their future.

  • Lubinets emphasizes that dialogue is the only mechanism that will help strengthen trust in the state and unite Ukrainians with different experiences.

IDPs are allocated financial assistance depending on their financial situation

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