Germany blocks Czech attempts to restrict the entry of Russian spies into the EU - Media.

Germany blocks attempts by Czech Republic to restrict entry of Russian spies into EU
Germany blocks attempts by Czech Republic to restrict entry of Russian spies into EU

Czech Republic proposes to terminate the visa-free regime for Russian diplomats and their families in the Schengen zone of the European Union. The Czech government assesses that there are many Russians with diplomatic passports in the country. In addition, Prague also wishes to ban the entry into the EU for Russians with non-biometric passports. According to reports, Russia regularly attacks warehouses with humanitarian aid for Ukraine, weapon manufacturing plants for Kyiv, and railway infrastructure in Eastern Europe. Germany stands in the way of the proposed restrictions, causing accusations against the Berlin government that it is trying to restore relations with Russia. Officially, Berlin argues that refusing visa-free movement for Russian diplomats will lead to retaliation from Russia.

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