New Round of Ramstein: What to Expect from the 25th Meeting.

25th Meeting of Ramstein: What to Provide in the New Round
Очікування від нового етапу переговорів у Рамштайні: головні аспекти 25-ї зустрічі.

Meeting in the Ramstein Format

Today, January 9th, the 25th meeting in the Ramstein format will take place. Representatives of the Contact Group on Ukraine Defense will gather at a military airbase in Germany. The meeting has been postponed for 4 months from the originally planned date. U.S. Secretary of Defense

Lloyd Austin
will chair the meeting, which will involve representatives from over 50 countries.

The main topic of discussion will be supporting Ukraine to deter Russian aggression. It is expected that the transfer of air defense systems and measures against Russian aviation and airstrikes will be discussed. Roadmaps outlining Ukraine's needs and goals in various sectors will also be reviewed.

The U.S. is anticipated to announce a significant military aid package for Ukraine. The final package is set to be allocated by January 20th. The total aid will amount to approximately 500 million dollars.

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