PFU explained the procedure for housing subsidies and additional support.

SSS clarified the appointment of housing subsidies and support
SSS clarified the appointment of housing subsidies and support

The Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU) has published important information about housing subsidies and additional support for citizens who heat their homes with solid fuel.

In granting subsidies, the PFU takes into account data from all service providers, including utility service providers, managers of apartment buildings, and HOAs/CBMOs.

Managers and associations are obliged to provide the PFU authorities with information about the size of house management contributions and debts exceeding three months. It is important that any changes in the prices for services, the size of contributions, or the form of house management must be reported to the Fund within 5 calendar days.

PFU has paid special attention to subsidy and benefit recipients who use solid fuel for heating. According to government Decree No.1169 dated 15.10.2024, citizens entitled to additional support have received notifications in their personal accounts on the Fund's web portal.

Those who have already received additional support previously do not need to contact the PFU authorities again. However, households that have not yet given consent for personal data processing or have not received support need to provide the appropriate consent through the personal account on the web portal or contact the territorial authorities of the Fund.

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