After the warmth, snow, rain, and ice will come to Ukraine: when will true winter return.

Snow and ice on Ukrainian roads
Після теплих днів, Україна зіткнеться з холодами та зимовими опадами: чого очікувати далі?

On Sunday, February 2, the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center forecasts cloudy weather with clearings. At night in the southeastern regions and during the day in the southwestern regions, light wet snow and rain are possible. Drivers are advised to be careful due to the potential icy conditions.

The air temperature will range from -3°C to +2°C at night, and from 0°C to +5°C during the day. It will be the warmest in the south - from +3°C to +8°C. The coldest will be in the Carpathians: at night down to -8°C, and during the day around 0°C.

Cloudy weather without precipitation is also expected in Kyiv. The temperature will be around 0°C at night and +2...+4°C during the day.

The wind will usually be from the west, moderate in speed - 5-10 m/s.

Previously, forecaster Didyenko predicted a change from warmth to frosts.

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