Poland experiences labor shortage due to decreased migration from Ukraine.

Poland - labor shortage
Poland - labor shortage

Polish companies are facing problems in recruiting employees, especially in construction, manufacturing, transport, and logistics. The reason is the government's anti-migration policy and a decrease in migration from countries like Ukraine and Belarus. This is reported by Rzeczpospolita.

Deputy Minister Maciej Duszyk stated that the number of immigrants in Poland is approaching the limit set by national capabilities for their integration. This concerns both the number of foreign workers that Poland can accept without repercussions for society and issues with housing, medical care, and education for the newcomers.

There are 1.16 million foreigners working in Poland, which is 11 times more than 10 years ago. The space for further inflow of foreign workers is already limited, economists claim.

The number of Ukrainian companies in Poland is significantly increasing. According to official data, over 60,000 new companies have been created, whose managers are from Ukraine.

The Economic Institute of Poland confirms the active entrepreneurship of Ukrainians who have arrived in the country. The most popular industries are construction, telecommunications activities, and services.

Ukrainian refugees have become not only a necessity for Europe but also contribute to its economic growth. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Ukrainian refugees have made an additional contribution to the GDP growth of the Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia, Lithuania, and Romania.

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