Pro-American Putin Regime.

Alternative view of Putin in America
Alternative view of Putin in America

Russia's geopolitical actions and decisions have only strengthened America, despite positioning itself as a superpower opposing the USA. According to American politicians and analysts, the Russian elite will be forced to make concessions to Washington due to the danger of becoming a vassal of China and the reduction of China's influence in Europe.

Americans are absolutely indifferent to the number of territories occupied by Russians in Eastern Ukraine. The Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations created conditions for the geopolitical success of the Kremlin, but the Russian elite destroyed their leadership in Europe and political control over Ukraine.

Russia will not be able to profit from the occupied Donbas because these cities have become ruins. The Kremlin is concerned about resource enhancement but is not interested in the Ukrainian population.

Ukrainian politicians need to draw lessons from the negative experience of the Donetsk clan and agree on the rules of the game to protect their business and property from Russian aggression.

Western countries, particularly the USA, need to realize the consequences of Ukraine's defeat for Europe and their interests. Ukraine could become an ally of Russia if the West betrays it.

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