Labor market in Ukraine. Who are employers looking for?.

Employers are looking for specialists in the labor market
Employers are looking for specialists in the labor market

The Ukrainian labor market will focus on attracting youth, women, veterans, and people with disabilities

According to Maria Abdullina, head of the 'Work' direction at one of the recruitment portals, in the Ukrainian labor market in 2025, the greatest attention will be paid to candidates with flexible skills and the ability to learn and adapt to changes. She emphasized that the main challenges in the labor market will be staffing shortages, adaptation to modernity, as well as the significant importance of inclusion and retraining of workers. Many companies are already predicting a staffing crisis and are planning to attract new categories of workers.

Among these categories, companies plan to attract youth under 25, women, students, and veterans. Additionally, the employment program for individuals with disabilities plans to create jobs or make a special contribution. Companies are also intending to invest in staff development through funding retraining and upskilling programs for employees.

Currently, many countries are testing the effectiveness of a 4-day work week, which could change the future of work. It is also noted that countries where this format has already been implemented continue to experiment with different options for days off.

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