Sikorski, amid disagreements with Zelensky, responded whether Poland would support Ukraine.

Sikorsky and Zelensky discuss cooperation
Sikorsky and Zelensky discuss cooperation

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, during his trip to the US, stated that he supports Ukraine, but this support is not unconditional.

According to RMF24, the visit agenda of the head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs includes participation in the UN General Assembly session in New York and visiting the General Dynamics Land Systems plant in Detroit where the Abrams tanks ordered by Poland are manufactured. Meetings with representatives of the Polish diaspora and members of Congress from Michigan are also planned.

"We strive to maintain bipartisan US support for the alliance with Europe, Ukraine, as well as the physical presence of American troops on Polish territory," Sikorski emphasized.

Radosław Sikorski / Photo: PAP/Leszek Szymański

Sikorski noted that the alliance with the US is important for Poland as it provides greater security.

Commenting on relations with Ukraine, the minister said:

"Ukraine is under pressure. It has good results at sea, but the situation on land is a bit worse. We support Ukraine, but we have our own demands, as is usually the case between neighbors".

Earlier, Sikorski already commented on the disagreements during a meeting with Zelensky and explained his position on Crimea.

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