Sikorski urged the EU to cancel payments to Ukrainian refugees, Sibiha supported.

Image of Petro Sikorsky and Yuriy Sybiga
Image of Petro Sikorsky and Yuriy Sybiga

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski proposed to stop social payments to Ukrainian men of conscription age who are in European countries.

The statement was made during the XX meeting of the Yalta European Strategy (YES) in Kyiv. Minister Sikorski believes that this will force Ukrainians to return to their homeland and join the fight against the Russian invasion.

"There should be no financial incentives for evading conscription in Ukraine," the Polish minister said.

Sikorski paid special attention to the situation in Germany, where Ukrainians under temporary protection receive significant assistance. They receive payments exceeding 500 euros, and with housing compensation, the amount can reach more than 1000 euros per month per person. Sikorski believes that such generous material assistance may hinder the return of Ukrainians to their homeland.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha supported the idea of stopping social payments for Ukrainian men in Europe. However, he emphasized that this requires appropriate conditions. According to the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, almost a million people of conscription age are abroad, 300 thousand of whom are in Poland.

Earlier, Sikorski reported on the number of refugees from Ukraine who signed up for the "Ukrainian Legion" in Poland.

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