It became known when the first testing of candidates for positions of judges of the HACC will start.

First testing of candidates for positions of judges in VACS
First testing of candidates for positions of judges in VACS

The High Qualification Commission is preparing to test candidates for judges of the HACC

The High Qualification Commission of Judges plans to conduct testing of candidates for judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court in November. This is reported by the press service of the HQCJ.

The commission has determined the procedure for the first anonymous testing of candidates for positions of judges of the HACC within the framework of the qualification exam:

  • November 11 - cognitive abilities testing;
  • November 14-15 - general knowledge testing in the field of law and court specialization knowledge.

Participants who do not pass the cognitive abilities test will not have the opportunity to take the general knowledge test in the field of law and court specialization knowledge.

In addition, the commission set the threshold score for the general knowledge test in the field of law and court specialization knowledge, which is 112.5 points out of a maximum possible 150. The threshold score for the cognitive abilities test remains undefined, however, it must be at least 75% according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges".

Procurement of official apartments for HACC judges

For 2025, the High Anti-Corruption Court plans to allocate about 60 million UAH for the purchase of official apartments for newly appointed judges of the HACC and the HACC Appeals Chamber.

The chief of staff of the High Anti-Corruption Court Bohdan Kryklyvenko at the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy on September 27 informed that the procurement of official housing is provided for by article 13 of the Law "On the High Anti-Corruption Court". Judges of the HACC or the HACC Appeals Chamber who do not have their own housing are provided with official housing during their term of office. This housing belongs to the state and cannot be privatized.

Changes to the State Anti-Corruption Program

Soon, the Cabinet of Ministers may approve a draft of changes to the State Anti-Corruption Program taking into account the new realities of martial law.

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