Leopard Tanks, Drones and Shells for Gepard: Assistance from Germany Headed to Ukraine.

Leopard tanks, drones and ammunition
Leopard tanks, drones and ammunition

Germany is providing a new package of military assistance to Ukraine, including Leopard 1 A5 tanks. This information was shared on the German government website.

The list of equipment included in the assistance package:

  • 21 thousand shells for Gepard air defense systems;
  • eight Leopard 1 A5 tanks (German-Danish cooperation);
  • ten surface drones;
  • two Bergepanzer recovery vehicles;
  • ten ground radars;
  • 24.8 thousand helmets;
  • one field hospital.
  • Previously, President Zelensky announced that a Patriot system had arrived in Ukraine from Germany.

Additionally, the USA announced a new security assistance package for Ukraine today worth up to $200 million under the special presidential drawdown authority.

This package includes air defense systems, Himars artillery munitions, mortar shells, and Javelin anti-tank rockets.

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