The Main Intelligence Directorate warns Ukrainians about provocative actions in some regional centers.

The Main Intelligence Directorate warned Ukrainians about provocative actions in Some Regional Centers
The Main Intelligence Directorate warned Ukrainians about provocative actions in Some Regional Centers

Preparation of paid provocative rallies discovered

The military intelligence of Ukraine reported the discovery of preparation for paid provocative rallies in major cities of the country. According to the obtained information, unknown individuals are looking for people to participate in paid actions through anonymous accounts in Telegram. The main goal of these events is to discredit the military-political leadership and special services of Ukraine. Organizers demand participants to take photos and videos from the scenes for creating provocative content aimed at polarizing society and escalating internal tensions. Such paid actions are planned to be held in various regional centers, including Kyiv, Odesa, and Dnipro. Military intelligence urges citizens to refrain from participating in these events, which threaten national security.

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