In Kyiv, TCC employees were exposed for aiding draft dodgers: found a million dollars and 11 luxury cars.

Million dollars and 11 luxury cars uncovered in Kyiv
Million dollars and 11 luxury cars uncovered in Kyiv

In Kyiv, a mobilization evasion scheme was uncovered, through which TCC employees illegally helped thousands of conscripts avoid the draft. Over 1.2 million dollars were seized from the suspects.

This was reported by the Prosecutor General's Office, according to 'Khvylya'.

"The suspects organized a scheme for receiving bribes from men subject to mobilization. For 8.5 thousand dollars, they promised to help with registration at a specific TCC, issue temporary IDs, and enter the relevant information into the Unified Register of Conscripts and Reservists," the Prosecutor's Office stated.

While receiving the second part of the bribe, amounting to 4 thousand US dollars, law enforcement officers detained the suspects. Over 1.2 million dollars and 45 thousand euros were seized, as well as various items confirming their activities.

The State Bureau of Investigation clarified that the suspects were involved in creating military registration document packages to remove individuals from the military register. The price for such a "white card" ranged from 2 to 15 thousand dollars.

The suspects have been charged, and the court is asked to choose preventive measures in the form of detention. This crime is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

In addition, two employees were arrested in the same military commissariat for entering false data that allowed evading service and traveling abroad. They were also charged.

It should be noted that similar mobilization evasion schemes have previously been uncovered in Kyiv and Kherson.

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