Strike by Russia on Poltava: The State Bureau of Investigation has opened a case.

Investigation by State Bureau: damaged buildings in Poltava
Investigation by State Bureau: damaged buildings in Poltava

The State Bureau of Investigation has launched a criminal investigation into the missile strike on the training center in Poltava

The State Bureau of Investigation has launched a criminal investigation into the missile strike on the training center in the city of Poltava on Tuesday, September 3, reports RBC-Ukraine, citing sources in law enforcement agencies.

According to RBC-Ukraine, a criminal case has been opened, but it is not yet known under which specific article.

Yesterday at 09:08 in Poltava and the region, an air raid alarm was declared, and two explosions were heard two minutes later. Monitoring channels warned about the arrival of a missile. Official information about the consequences of the strike has not yet been reported. Local media noted the need for blood donors but asked not to create queues. An operational headquarters was deployed at the site of the strike, but details are still unknown.

Eyewitnesses told «Glavkom» that the strike was very powerful, with black smoke rising into the sky. The Poltava blood transfusion station, operating based on the regional hospital, immediately announced a blood collection. Information emerged about damage to more than 10 residential buildings. Work is continuing to eliminate the consequences of the strike in Poltava.

According to the Ministry of Defense, Russian troops yesterday launched a missile strike on an educational institution in Poltava. One of the institute's buildings was partially destroyed, and many people were trapped under the rubble. According to the report, 25 people were rescued, and 11 people were unblocked. Rescue operations are ongoing. Initially, 41 deaths and more than 180 injuries were reported. Currently, it is known that 47 people died, and 206 were injured due to the strike on the educational institution and hospital.

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