Ukrainians will be able to report connection problems on «Diia».

Image of Dіya communication operators
Image of Dіya communication operators

The Ministry of Digital Transformation is working on stabilizing mobile communication during power outages, the ministry's press service reports.

According to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ukrainian energy infrastructure has been under enemy shelling for more than two years, leading to constant power outages. This affects the quality of communication and the internet, as mobile operators' base stations also need electricity to operate. Therefore, stabilizing the situation with mobile communication and the internet is one of the main tasks of the Ministry of Digital Transformation now.

Solutions of the Ministry of Digital Transformation for stabilizing communication:

  • Updating the requirements of the National Operational and Technical Management Center for Electronic Communication Networks of Ukraine. Now mobile operators must have generators for 25% of their networks, so they can operate for 72+ hours during power outages. The rest of the mobile network should be able to operate for 10 hours on battery power;
  • Strengthening checks of compliance with requirements. Operators will report the situation to the National Operational and Technical Management Center quarterly, and the National Commission on Electronic Communications will check compliance with these requirements;
  • Adopting Regulation No. 322, which has already been supported by the regulator. This regulation will allow operators to apply to Oblenergo with a request to upgrade the networks that go to the base stations. This will speed up battery charging;
  • Agreeing on a list of objects that should have an uninterrupted power supply. The main requirements will be transmitted to Oblenergo;
  • Developing measures to reserve repair teams of military personnel.

The press service of the Ministry of Digital Transformation added that work is now beginning on a new service in the mobile application «Diia», thanks to which Ukrainians will be able to report communication problems, even if they do not have access to the internet. The information will be automatically transmitted after the connection is restored. The collected data will be analyzed for further work on stabilizing communication.

It should be noted that the National Operational and Technical Management Center for Telecommunication Networks has updated the requirements for the operation of mobile operators' base stations under martial law conditions.

It was previously reported that mobile communication in Ukraine will work during three-day power outages. Now mobile operators are jointly preparing for possible total blackouts. During such outages, the popularity of mobile internet sharply increases, leading to network load on mobile operators and communication problems.

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