Ukrainian Refugees Save Europe's Economy.

Ukrainian refugees boost European economy
Ukrainian refugees boost European economy

Ukrainian Refugees Contribute to Europe's Economy

Ukrainian refugees are not a burden for Europe; on the contrary, Ukrainians' contribution to the economic development of some countries amounts to up to 1.2% per year. Even in the United Kingdom, this contribution is 0.2%. Specifically, Latvia has about 35% of working-age Ukrainians, and the Czech Republic - almost 90%.

Ukrainian refugees pay taxes and have become part of the European workforce that supports the economies of the countries where they reside. Additionally, they send money home, which is of great importance to the Ukrainian economy.

Ukrainian refugees do not compete with local residents in the job market as they occupy other niches. Their presence can promote the transition of local workers to more highly skilled professions.

Even Ukrainian refugees who receive assistance from the countries where they reside are becoming less dependent on these payments. Previously, this was burdensome for the economy, but now only 40% of Ukrainian refugees receive benefits.

Ukrainians seeking asylum abroad make a significant contribution to the economies of the countries that provide them shelter. For example, Poland already hosts about a million Ukrainians, and the taxes they pay offset the costs of the assistance provided. The European Union has also spent only 0.2% of its GDP on receiving Ukrainian refugees.

A home for Ukrainian refugees has appeared in Riga, where they can spend the first 120 days of their stay in Latvia. This will help them find permanent housing and adapt to new conditions.

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