The Government Expanded the Possibilities of Using Funds Raised on United24.

Government's use of United24 funds
Government's use of United24 funds

The government has changed the procedure for using the money collected in the accounts of the Ministry of Economy through the United24 platform for humanitarian demining. Now it will be possible to purchase not only demining equipment, but also components for it, means for detecting explosive objects, and equipment for certifying demining machines.

Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Ihor Bezkrovainyi noted that the changes to the procedure make it possible to expand both the range of goods that can be purchased for humanitarian demining and the number of recipients. In particular, it is now possible to purchase equipment and machinery for government operators who are actively involved in demining.

One of the innovations is that the Ministry of Economy can initiate targeted collections through the United24 platform if necessary. At the same Time, information about needs and procurement planning for the collected funds is published on the Ministry's website and web portal.

In addition, the collected funds can be spent on the purchase of materials and equipment for certifying demining machines. So far, this certification is carried out only by the State Scientific Research Institute of Testing and Certification.

With the collected funds, a pyrotechnic vehicle has already been purchased and a tender for the purchase of tractors for the State Emergency Service has been held. The State Special Transport Service also received various equipment, including the DOK-ING MV-10 demining machine.

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