Access to the licenses database of all carriers opened in Ukraine.

Database of Ukrainian carriers
Database of Ukrainian carriers

In collaboration with the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety, the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure has opened the carrier Licensing Register data on the Unified State Portal of Open Data

The Licensing Register contains a list of enterprises with active licenses for passenger, dangerous goods, and waste transportation, as well as international transportation. Data is available since 2010, when 57067 licenses were issued. Most licenses pertain to freight transportation by trucks (31646), passenger transportation by buses (12276), and taxis (9541).

The register lists 6496 companies with licenses for domestic transportation of dangerous goods and waste, as well as 3864 companies with licenses for international transportation.

The data contains information on the name and EDRPOU code of the carrier, the year the permit was issued, the date and Time of issuance, and its details.

This data allows for a deeper understanding of the licensing situation and reducing the number of unscrupulous carriers in the market.

Additionally, this data is useful for businesses as it allows planning activities, finding licensed carriers in a specific region, tracking new licenses and cancellations of old ones, analyzing the transport market and its trends. This data can also be used by online platforms to create services for finding contractors and checking licenses, linking them with other registers, such as the international routes register. This contributes to increasing transparency and accessibility of information for the public, ensuring free access to important data on licensed activities in Ukraine. The published data does not contain information that could threaten Ukraine's national security.

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