A new electricity tariff will be introduced in Ukraine: who will receive a discount for three months.

A woman with a child using a computer in leisure
В Україні запровадять новий тариф на електрику: які категорії споживачів отримають знижку протягом трьох місяців.

Ukrainians have been explained the principles of the new electricity tariff.

The CEO of YASNO, Serhiy Kovalenko, announced that from February 1 to April 30, 2025, a special electricity tariff for heating will be introduced.

Under this tariff, consumers who use less than 2000 kWh per month will have a preferential rate of 2.64 hryvnias per kilowatt-hour.

For example, if 1800 kWh of electricity is used during the month, the bill will amount to 4,752 hryvnias.

If more than 2000 kWh is consumed per month, then only the amount exceeding the norm will be charged at the rate of 4.32 hryvnias.

The new tariff will be in effect for three months, until April 30.

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