Ukraine will launch an electronic Urban Planning Cadastre.

Urban Planning Cadastre of Ukraine
Urban Planning Cadastre of Ukraine

The government is launching an electronic Urban Planning Cadastre at the state level

The government has approved a resolution to launch an electronic Urban Planning Cadastre at the state level.

According to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, this will allow municipalities, architectural bodies, and architects to work in a single digital system.

"This is an important step for the quick and transparent reconstruction of the country. The UPC will promote transparency and protect the industry from manipulations, as it accumulates all urban planning information, documents, and approval procedures in electronic form. It also has convenient access for users. This will help speed up construction and infrastructure development processes. The cadastre will be operational one month after the resolution comes into effect," noted the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

How this is beneficial for builders, the state, and citizens:

  • speeds up obtaining information for issuing permits, designing, and constructing, opens geodata on an electronic map;
  • accelerates construction procedures and reduces conflicts in the industry by enabling quick verification of the right to construct an object in a particular area;
  • eliminates loss or forgery of urban planning information;
  • opens up access for citizens to urban planning documentation, the procedures for its development, approval, and discussion.

During martial law, access to some geodata in the cadastre will be restricted, but finding and verifying the main up-to-date information on urban planning will become easier.

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