Zelensky at the 'Crimean Platform': Ukraine does not trade its land and does not abandon its people.

Zelensky at the Crimea Platform: Ukraine does not trade its land
Zelensky at the Crimea Platform: Ukraine does not trade its land

Zelensky at the Crimean Platform summit proclaimed the unchanging policy of Ukraine regarding the occupied territories

On September 11, 2024, at the fourth summit of the international Crimean Platform, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized the unchanging position of the country regarding Crimea and other occupied territories. In his speech, he said: «Ukraine does not trade its land and does not abandon its people.»

The President used the quote: «Ukraine does not trade its land and does not abandon its people».

Zelensky also emphasized the release of Nariman Dzhelyal, who was held captive in Russia. He stressed that Ukraine will not leave any prisoner without help. The President paid special attention to the Crimean Tatar people and political prisoners in occupied Crimea.

The President said: «We will not leave anyone or anything in captivity».

Zelensky called on the international community, particularly Muslim countries, to show leadership in resisting injustice. He warned that we must avoid frozen occupations and not allow repressions and the forgetting of prisoners.

The President said: «No frozen occupations! No abandoned people in captivity! No forgotten and thus seemingly forgiven repressions by the world».

In the conclusion of his speech, Zelensky expressed confidence in achieving victory and the return of peace. He said: «We can achieve this – achieve real peace, just and, most importantly, lasting. We see it. And we will see, I am confident, a free Crimea».

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