Gas stations updated prices: how much to pay for gasoline, diesel, and autogas.

Price list for gasoline, diesel and autogas
Price list for gasoline, diesel and autogas

Prices for gasoline, diesel fuel, and autogas: how they are changing

Data from the Minfin portal indicate changes in prices for gasoline, diesel fuel, and autogas for Ukrainian drivers.

Fuel is a significant expense item for drivers, so this topic is always relevant. Everyone tries to find a gas station with lower prices before refueling. Fortunately, car owners using gas are the luckiest because autogas is the most affordable. It should be noted that the last few days were characterized by rising fuel prices, but today, August 30, the growth has slowed down, at least for some types of fuel.

Specifically, premium A-95 gasoline continues to sell at a price of 60.24 UAH/l, as well as A-92 - 53.35 UAH/l. However, the price of A-95 gasoline increased by 1 kopeck and is now 56.59 UAH/l.

The price of diesel fuel remains unchanged - 52.85 UAH/l. At the same Time, the price of autogas continues to rise - it has increased by 9 kopecks and amounts to 28.87 UAH.

Earlier it was predicted that the increase in excise taxes would affect fuel prices.

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