Basic products have become more expensive: how much you will have to pay for oil, lard, eggs, and buckwheat.

Cost of products in Ukrainian: oil, lard, eggs, buckwheat
Cost of products in Ukrainian: oil, lard, eggs, buckwheat

Prices for some products in Ukraine increased at the end of July

Ukrainian supermarkets showed changes in prices for some basic products, such as sunflower oil, chicken eggs, lard, and buckwheat. It turned out that the prices for these products increased by a certain amount, although not significantly. This affects the financial state of Ukrainians, as these products are essential. Let's consider the current prices as of July 29.

Prices for refined sunflower oil Oleina have risen from 57.85 UAH to 54.52 UAH per 850 ml. Shchedryi Dar increased by almost 3 UAH - 61.03 UAH per 850 ml.

It is worth noting that prices for the same products may vary in different supermarkets.

Lard has also undergone price changes. Homemade lard has become cheaper - 234.00 UAH/kg, but salted lard has increased in price from 238.34 UAH/kg to 242.88 UAH/kg.

Chicken eggs have also become cheaper. Kvocka now sells for 39.45 UAH per dozen, instead of 41.42 UAH. Yasensvit also became cheaper by 83 kopecks - 38.00 UAH per dozen. For 30 pieces of these eggs, you will have to pay 112.05 UAH.

And the price of buckwheat has increased from 27.72 UAH/kg to 28.32 UAH/kg.

We have a previous article on why milk prices have increased in Ukraine.

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