BILD: Putin's Adviser Karaganov Called for Nuclear Bombings of Europe While Renting an Apartment in Berlin.

Karaganov calls for nuclear bombings
Karaganov calls for nuclear bombings

In April, BILD magazine reported that Sergey Karaganov, a political scientist with close ties to Putin, would no longer receive income from renting out his apartment in Berlin. According to new BILD data, Karaganov and his wife found a new tenant who will pay 1550 euros per month. Previously, they were receiving 850 euros.

In April, Ekaterina's bank account, where she received rental income, was blocked. In July, the bank informed her about freezing the funds since rental income was being received on her account.

Since July, the Karaganovs forced the new tenant to transfer the rent to the account of the management company, which apparently continued to take a part of the income for themselves. On September 10, Ekaterina was informed by a prosecutor that an investigation had begun against her because she was collecting rent for her husband, who is sanctioned.

The next day, Karaganov stated in an interview that a missile strike on the Bundestag should be carried out if the Germans have forgotten the crimes. "The propagandist did not specify which crimes he meant - Nazi crimes or loss of the apartment," notes BILD journalist Julian Röpcke.

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