Blinken Criticized China’s Position on Ukraine, Wang Yi Rejected "Baseless Accusations".

Map of Ukraine with Chinese flag
Map of Ukraine with Chinese flag

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken during negotiations with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed serious concern over China's support for Russia's defense-industrial complex.

The meeting took place on Friday, September 27, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

According to him, about 70% of machines and 90% of microelectronics imported by Russia come from China and Hong Kong. These supplies significantly help Moscow in the production of missiles, armored vehicles, and ammunition.

"When Beijing says that, on one hand, it wants peace and seeks to see the end of the conflict, but on the other hand, allows its companies to engage in activities that actually help Putin continue his aggression, it doesn’t add up," said the U.S. Secretary of State at a press conference after the talks.

Antony Blinken

For his part, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi also expressed dissatisfaction with U.S. policy towards China and the situation around Ukraine. He accused the U.S. of hypocrisy, stating:

"The United States cannot constantly be hypocritical in its relations with China, shamelessly containing and suppressing China on one hand, while on the other, talking about cooperation as if nothing happened."

The Chinese diplomat criticized U.S. interference in China’s internal affairs, particularly on issues of democracy and Taiwan. He also reproached the U.S. for creating problems in the South China Sea.

Regarding the situation in Ukraine, which Wang Yi called the "Ukrainian crisis," he emphasized that China’s position is aimed at promoting negotiations and political resolution. At the same Time, the diplomat called on the U.S. to "stop discrediting and making baseless accusations against China, and stop imposing sanctions indiscriminately on Chinese companies under the pretext of their involvement in the 'Ukrainian crisis'."

Earlier, Blinken condemned Putin’s statement on changes in Russia’s nuclear doctrine.

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