"Blacklist" of arms suppliers. Why is it a bad idea?.


The Ministry of Defense has launched a list of unscrupulous arms suppliers. However, this idea will not only fail to solve our problems but also multiply them. First, it is necessary to determine whether this list is legal and what anti-corruption measures are provided. In addition, it is worth understanding what to do with domestic manufacturers. The Defense Procurement Act does not provide for "blacklists" and changes to the legislation are necessary to implement them.

There are several ways to legalize this list, but currently, no one is providing answers regarding their implementation. Instead, issues of personnel and contractor control should be addressed, responsibilities should be performed responsibly, and state funds should be protected.

It is possible to bring order and put an end to corruption scandals within a few months

The Ministry of Defense and the Defense Procurement Agency have specialists who are capable of ensuring this process, but, unfortunately, their leaders do not show proper competence and motivation.

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