The expert explained why auditing critical enterprises and booking should be carried out simultaneously.

Expert explains the benefits of simultaneous auditing of critical enterprises and bookings
Expert explains the benefits of simultaneous auditing of critical enterprises and bookings

The construction industry in Ukraine is already facing a shortage of workers, which could negatively affect the country's economy and defense. The halt in the booking process could further exacerbate this problem, so it is necessary to restart the mechanism for protecting critically important workers. This was stated by the head of the Ukrainian Union of Building Materials Producers, Kostyantyn Saliy.

You think that the state will provide funds, and construction combines will fulfill orders for defense structures. But this is not so. Currently, the average number of workers at construction combines is 45, whereas previously it was from 245 to 275 people, including women and pensioners. And if these 45 workers are assigned orders for 3,000 "dragon's teeth", they physically will not be able to cope! There is already a shortage of workers to fulfill defense orders

Saliy stressed that auditing strategically important enterprises is possible without stopping the booking process. This will help avoid a large-scale crisis in the economy and defense. Currently, Ukraine is actively developing in the field of digitalization, so it is possible to create a register of critical enterprises similar to the "Reserve+" system.

Saliy urged the government to digitalize the processes, to officially inform the managers and owners of enterprises about the status of their companies, so they do not take risks like in a casino. The booking process should be understandable to managers throughout the year. Then companies will be considered critical, regardless of the decisions of individual officials or administration. Then the state will become a partner of business, and business will know how to become a partner of the state.

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