Foreign companies sharply reduced trademark registrations in 2024.

Chart of the decline in trademark registrations
Значне зменшення реєстрацій торговельних марок іноземними компаніями у 2024 році.

The Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovations UKRNOIVI reported that in 2024, foreign companies submitted 2,573 applications for trademark registration in Ukraine. Approximately 40% of these belong to companies from the USA, Cyprus, and Switzerland. Most of these companies specialize in medical/veterinary products and advertising and administration.

This is 37% lower than in the previous year when over 4,000 applications were submitted, reports OpenDataBot.

Companies from the USA submitted 18.4% of all applications, Switzerland - 12.5%, and Cyprus - 9.7%. Companies from China, Great Britain, and Poland were also active in registration.

Among the TOP 5 applicants are the following companies:

PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. - 91 applications;Mistral Capital Management Limited - 69;YPL Mauritius Limited - 69;British American Tobacco (Brands) Inc. - 49;Pharmak AG - 45.

Last year, the most frequently submitted applications for trademark registration were related to:

  • medicinal, veterinary, and hygiene preparations - 711 applications or 27.6%;
  • advertising, administration, and office services - 472 or 18.3%;
  • tobacco products, accessories, and substitutes - 341 or 13.3%;
  • scientific, electronic, and optical devices - 306 or 11.9%;
  • cosmetics, personal care products, and household chemicals - 282 or 11.0%.

The record holder was FELIX TRADE PTE. LTD, which submitted a trademark application in 20 areas of activity.

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