The new head of EU diplomacy prioritizes the war in Ukraine.

New EU diplomatic chief prioritizes war in Ukraine
New EU diplomatic chief prioritizes war in Ukraine

The new head of the EU's foreign policy service announced her priorities

Kaja Kallas, who will soon take over the European Union's foreign policy service, stated that she will focus on issues related to the war in Ukraine and ensuring the EU's security.

She wrote this in her responses to questions from European parliamentarians.

Kallas emphasized that Europe's security is personal to her, as she was born in a country that has faced Russia's imperialist ambitions.

She also noted that the most important short-term tasks are resolving the conflict in Ukraine and strengthening the EU's defense capabilities.

Kallas believes that the EU should conduct humanitarian work in the Middle East and cooperate with all parties to achieve a just and comprehensive peace.

She specifically noted that Russia, Iran, North Korea, and partly China are special challenges for the EU.

Kallas was nominated for the position of the EU's new high representative for foreign affairs, and her candidacy will be reviewed in hearings in November.

In her responses, she also revealed her vision of the EU's foreign policy.

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