Schoolchildren's learning simplified: will start evaluating by new rules.

Schoolchild with a book
Schoolchild with a book

The Ministry of Education has introduced a special program for Ukrainian schoolchildren abroad

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has introduced a special learning program for Ukrainian schoolchildren who are temporarily residing abroad. The program helps schoolchildren maintain a connection with Ukraine, while taking into account their new life circumstances.

Under this program, children study only the key subjects related to Ukraine: Ukrainian language, literature, history, law studies, geography, and defense of Ukraine. Grades in other subjects are accepted based on academic performance in the foreign school.

"We propose to compromise in some respects. We trust the grades awarded in Polish, French, and other schools. There is no need to test children unnecessarily to verify these results. Such distrust could lead to the child refusing to study in a Ukrainian school," said the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Although the Ministry of Education has developed a special program, the situation remains challenging. According to official data, more than 330,000 Ukrainian children are currently residing in other countries, and the real number is likely higher. Unfortunately, not all of these children have the opportunity to continue their education in Ukrainian schools, despite the conditions created for this.

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