Heat will reach +37: Hydrometeorological Center told what weather to expect in Kyiv region.

Weather in Kyiv region +37
Weather in Kyiv region +37

Weather forecast in Kyiv region for August 21

According to the Hydrometeorological Center, on Wednesday, August 21, cloudy weather with clearings is expected in the Kyiv region. No precipitation is expected. The wind will be southeast, with a speed of 3-8 m/s.

Nighttime temperature will be 15-20 degrees. During the day, strong heat is expected, the temperature will rise to 35-37 degrees.

In the capital Kyiv, nighttime temperature will drop to 18-20 degrees, and during the day there will also be strong heat, which will reach 35 degrees.

Recall that Ukrenergo has announced the schedule of power outages for August 21.

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