"Safety Bag" in case of alarm: Ukrainians were shown what to put in a schoolchild's backpack.
Ukrainians were explained how to compile a "safety bag" for a schoolchild and what additional items need to be put in it.
According to the Telegram channel "Uryad online", the current situation requires being ready for any circumstances. Essentials may be needed at any moment, as Russia is actively shelling public infrastructure. Recently, the military communications institute and university in Sumy became targets of Russian attacks.
Therefore, in addition to standard school items, it would be useful for a child to have a safety bag. It can be useful during an alarm. The lightness and convenience of such a bag should also be considered.
Among the main items to include are:
- bottle of drinking water;
- note with the child's full name;
- contact details of parents and closest relatives (names, phones, addresses);
- medicine that the child takes regularly (write down how and when to take);
- flashlight.
Additionally, a schoolchild's favorite toy or book can also be useful, as well as:
- nutritious bars or snacks;
- small flashlight, if the main one stops working;
- spare underwear;
- mobile phone and charger.
The contents of the "safety bag" should be regularly checked and updated to always have the necessary items for the child.
We remind you that travel for schoolchildren in Kyiv has become free again, but there are some nuances.
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