Aleksander Mereżko

Aleksander Mereżko

Aleksander Aleksandrowicz Mereżko - Ukrainian lawyer, Doctor of Law, Professor

Date of birth: 14.02.1971

Place of birth. Education. Aleksander Mereżko was born on February 14, 1971, in Bobrynka, Kirovohrad Oblast.

In 1994, he graduated with honors from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (specialty - international law). In 1992-1993, he studied at the University of Denver (USA).

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In 1996, he completed his doctoral studies at the Institute of International Relations at the National Academy of Sciences. In 1996, he defended his doctoral dissertation ('The Concept of Humanitarian Intervention and the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights within the UN' - international law), and in 2002 - his doctoral dissertation ('Theory and Principles of International Commercial Law' - international law).

He underwent research internships abroad. In 2001 - at the Harriman Institute of Columbia University (USA), in 2004-2005 - at the Kennedy Institute of Wilson Center (USA), in 2010-2011 - at one of the research institutes in Washington (USA).

Career. In 1997, he was a lecturer of the course 'Humanitarian Intervention and International Law' at the University of Denver (USA).

In 1997-1998 - assistant professor, deputy head of the Department of Foreign Policy of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

In 1998-2000 - assistant, associate professor at the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 2000-2001 - taught at the Dickinson School of Law of Penn State University (USA).

In 2001-2005 - associate professor, professor at the Institute of International Relations at the National Academy of Sciences.

In 2005-2011 - professor, head of the Department of International Law at the KROK University (Kyiv).

In 2005-2011 - professor, head of the Department of International Law at the John Paul II Catholic University (Stalowa Wola), member of the Scientific Council of the Law Institute of the same university (Poland).

In 2011-2017 - professor at the National Transport University.

In 2011-2018 - professor at the Andrii Frycz Modrzewski Academy (Poland).

In March - May 2012 - invited professor at the Kazakh-British Technical University and International Business University.

In 2017-2018 - professor at the State Tax Service University of Ukraine.

In 2017-2018 - professor at Jindal Global University (India).

Head of the Department of Law at Kyiv Linguistic University.

Expert at the Institute of Direct Democracy.

He was the deputy chairman of the Fulbright Program Society.

He participated in the selection of candidates for the position of judge of the European Court of Human Rights from Ukraine. He was involved in the selection of candidates for the position of judge of the Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court.

Member of the Ukrainian Society of International Law and the American Society of International Law.

Title. In 2002, he received the title of 'Associate Professor of International, Private and Customs-Tariff Law'.

In 2009, he received the title of professor.

Scientific Activity. Aleksander Mereżko specializes in issues of philosophy and theory of international law, civil law, and private international law.

Author of about 15 monographs and textbooks on international law, about 150 scientific articles.

Political Career. In the 2019 parliamentary elections, he was elected as a member of parliament from the Servant of the People party, number 85 on the list.

Member of the Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Since January 17, 2020 - Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, succeeding Bohdan Yaremenko.

Since January 27, 2020 - elected Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
