Dozens of Tons of Radioactive Water Leaked from Fukushima-1 Nuclear Plant in Japan.

Leak of radioactive water from Fukushima-1 NPP
Leak of radioactive water from Fukushima-1 NPP

From the building of the second unit of the emergency Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant in Japan, 25 tons of radioactive water leaked. The water remained in the basement and did not reach the environment. This information is reported by the publication Trend.

According to the publication, the leak was detected after an abnormal decrease in water levels in one of the tanks for liquid control in the spent nuclear fuel cooling pool. The supply of new water was suspended, and a robot was used to inspect the building premises.

This is not the first case of radioactive water leakage at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. In February, a similar incident occurred on the equipment for purifying water from radionuclides. Part of the radioactive water got into the soil, but there was no leakage of water into the sea.

In addition, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) approved Japan's plan to discharge contaminated water from the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. IAEA head Rafael Mariano Grossi believes that this does not have a significant radiological impact on people and the environment, although it encounters resistance from Beijing and local residents.

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