The Ministry of Defense commented on the messages in "Reserve+" about "deferrals until the end of mobilization".

Ministry of Defense comments on Reservi+ reports about mobilization deferments
Ministry of Defense comments on Reservi+ reports about mobilization deferments

Some users of the "Reserve+" application received a message about providing a "deferral until the end of mobilization" on October 17.

The Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization Ekaterina Chernogorenko explained that this is a technical glitch related to the preparation for updating the program, not a hacker attack.

"Friends, we were so intensively preparing for new releases that a bug emerged. Some users received deferrals until the end of mobilization. Sorry for the inconvenience. No, this is not a gift from the Reserve+ team to all users for Halloween," Chernogorenko noted.

She emphasized that this glitch does not affect the data in the "Obereg" registry and concerns only the display of user status. Developers have already fixed the error, and Chernogorenko advises trying to use the document again.


Earlier, Ekaterina Chernogorenko reported that it is not yet known when "Reserve+" will automatically extend deferrals for certain categories of citizens, such as students, educators, people with disabilities, and parents with many children.

The technical glitch may be a sign that developers are working on implementing the feature of automatic deferral extensions. This will simplify the procedure for citizens who now have to personally visit territorial recruitment centers with documents that are already in the state's possession.

Recall that recruitment for the Drone Army has been launched in "Diia".

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