Ukrainian Polar Researchers Show Five Interesting Atmospheric Phenomena near 'Academician Vernadsky'.

Polar explorers showcase atmospheric phenomena near Vernadsky
Polar explorers showcase atmospheric phenomena near Vernadsky

Recently, Ukrainian scientists shared and demonstrated with photos five unusual atmospheric phenomena that can be observed near the Antarctic station 'Academician Vernadsky'. This was reported by the National Antarctic Scientific Center.

1. White Rainbow

Observed by scientists, the white rainbow is a rare phenomenon that appears when weak fog, composed of micro water droplets, is illuminated by the sun. This leads to a mixing of light beams and an increase in color intensity to the point of complete fading.

2. Halo

The halo has the shape of a rainbow and appears around the Sun, Moon, or other light sources. This phenomenon is observed in polar regions due to a large number of ice crystals in the air that refract and reflect light.

3. Mirages

In polar regions, such phenomena can be observed when oceanic icebergs and islands seem to hover above the water surface. This is due to the temperature contrast and accumulated ocean heat, which creates a thin layer of hot air acting as a curved mirror.

4. Nacreous Clouds

These clouds consist of ice crystals and appear in the stratosphere in polar regions. They look like multi-colored spots in the sky and appear in winter when the temperature is quite low.

5. Southern Polar Lights

This rare phenomenon is observed near the 'Academician Vernadsky' station. Polar researchers managed to capture it despite the station's distance from the southern magnetic pole and the constant cloudiness in this region.

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