In Ukraine, it is proposed to introduce taxes on parcels from Aliexpress and Temu: what will change.

Aliexpress and Temu packages
Aliexpress and Temu packages

Ukrainians are accustomed to significant discounts when shopping on international online platforms, because packages up to 150 euros are not subject to VAT and customs duties. This benefit allows citizens to purchase goods on such platforms as eBay, Aliexpress, and Temu at prices significantly lower than in local stores. However, the government and parliament are considering the possibility of canceling this benefit.

As reported by the head of the Tax Committee of the Verkhovna Rada, Danylo Hetmantsev, the initiative to cancel the benefit is being considered by the authorities. The main arguments in favor of the changes are related to the need to increase tax revenues for financing the country's defense needs. The authorities also aim to create equal conditions for domestic and foreign manufacturers, protecting Ukrainian retail from international competitors.

The Ukrainian Business Council, which unites 117 business associations in the country, also supports the idea of canceling the benefit. According to their estimates, exempting international parcels from taxes leads to revenue losses to the state budget in the range of 7-9 billion UAH per year.

Particular concern is caused by the activity of the Chinese marketplace Temu, which pursues an aggressive marketing strategy and offers low prices. This creates a serious threat to Ukrainian businesses, which operate in conditions of economic instability and war.

Ukrainian companies find it difficult to compete with Temu because they pay all taxes in Ukraine, work under conditions of power outages, worker shortages, and constant risks.

On average annually, less than 1% of international parcels imported into Ukraine are taxed, as their value does not exceed the tax-free limit of 150 euros. This creates opportunities for abuse and shadow schemes.

The abolition of the benefit may lead to an increased burden on customs authorities and complicate the lives of Ukrainians. Experts propose introducing a One Stop Shop system modeled after the EU, where parcels are taxed at the stage of purchasing goods on a foreign marketplace.

Changes in legislation regarding international purchases on online platforms may affect the e-commerce and retail market in Ukraine. And although there are no specific timelines for changes yet, it is worth preparing for the possible transformation of the international purchase system and changes in competition conditions.

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