Frost in spring and hellish heat in summer: how the weather affected fruit prices.

Fruits frozen in spring and scorched by summer heat
Fruits frozen in spring and scorched by summer heat

An interesting change in prices for autumn products has been noticed in the Ukrainian fruit market. Analysts note significant changes in the cost of apples and grapes both in the short term and long term.

According to monitoring data from "Minfin", the average price for Ukrainian apples in September this year was 29.26 UAH per kg, which is 12.7% less than in August. However, compared to September last year, the price increased by 38.9%.

The average price for grapes in September was 113.53 UAH per kg, which is 19.8% less than in August. The cost of grapes increased by 34% compared to September last year.

Fruit prices are higher this year due to crops that have been damaged by frost and heat.

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