Land Price in 2025: How Much Ukrainians Will Pay per Hectare.

Land Price in 2025: Payment per Hectare
Land Price in 2025: Payment per Hectare

The land market in Ukraine is expected to undergo significant changes in 2025, with prices for 1 hectare of land also expected to rise. According to market analysis, central regions of the country are expected to see price increases for land plots of up to 20%. The main reason is the insufficient availability of land in these areas.

Currently, the average cost of 1 hectare of land is 46,683 hryvnias. The most expensive plots are located in the western regions, particularly in Ivano-Frankivsk region where the price reaches 90 thousand hryvnias per hectare, and in Lviv region - about 72 thousand.

The land reform has shown positive results, firmly establishing itself in the market. The number of land transactions continues to grow, experts say.

According to Denys Bashlyk, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, as of the beginning of 2024, before the massive cyberattack on the state registers of Ukraine, 104,368 land plots with a total area of 314,021 hectares had already been sold. The average cost of agricultural land in Ukraine is 46,683 hryvnias or 1,600 US dollars per hectare. Prices differ significantly across different regions.

The highest prices are in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Poltava, Ternopil, and Kyiv regions, while the lowest are in front-line regions affected by military action:

  • Ivano-Frankivsk region - 90,328 hryvnias per hectare;
  • Lviv region - 71,896 hryvnias per hectare;
  • Poltava region - 66,315 hryvnias per hectare;
  • Ternopil region - 64,055 hryvnias per hectare;
  • Kyiv region - 60,141 hryvnias per hectare;
  • Zaporizhzhia region - 33,421 hryvnias per hectare;

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